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Merlin APIs, are based on the same backend thats running Merlin. With Merlin APIs you can integrate all major LLMs and Generative models in one go in a uniform request/response format reminiscent of OpenAI.

Moreover, we have production grade reroutes and retries that help give you the best service. Hence, with Merlin APIs, you get to focus on what you do best: building and scaling your applications.

Easy Integration

Merlin APIs are designed to be a drop-in replacement for your current AI services, requiring minimal adjustments to your existing codebase. Our uniform format means you can change providers without ever having to change your integration, giving you the flexibility and control to switch services as you please.

Getting Started

To begin using Merlin APIs, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an API key at
  2. Choose a plan that best suits your needs. A pay-as-you-go or flat monthly fee.
  3. Integrate the Merlin API with our node SDK or endpoints.


At Merlin, we are committed to providing you with exceptional support. If you have any questions, encounter any issues, or simply need guidance on how to best utilize Merlin APIs, reach out to us at